I am confident our drought has broken. It does not take someone with a Ph.D. in Meteorology to decide that the equivalent of two months’ worth of rain falling within a week has ended fire dangers and pushed the moisture level in the soil down a foot. The 1962 hit by the Cascades referenced in the title deals with a guy whose lady left him. In a way, it reminds me of how we are feeling since it seems summer cruelly has run off and left us stranded. Again. At least the precipitation is not the frozen kind. The Twin Cities area will have many opportunities to get in rhythm because the forecast for the upcoming week leans towards another 2″ – 4″ of rain next week.
Obviously, our weather could be worse. We did not have a mile-wide tornado tear through our town like what happened in Moore, Oklahoma. Unfortunately, St. Paul endured the loss of two children in a mudslide caused by excessive rain and unstable stratigraphy. Rain is good, but too much of a good thing can cause problems. Some people dealt with ice-clogged lakes during the fishing opener. The sun has barely appeared in the past week and outdoor solar lights have limited run times. Some bemoan their waterlogged and muddy gardens. Overall, we are still fortunate because these are inconveniences, not life-altering events.
Everything is growing rapidly, as if the plants know their growing season is shorter. The blossoms are falling off the apple trees, partly because it has been very blustery this month. I did not see any bees, other than one particularly large bumblebee, so my guess is I won’t have apples to pick in September. Daffodils and tulips are mostly done for the season. Irises, lilacs, forget-me-nots, and columbines are in full bloom, the bleeding hearts and jack-in-the-pulpits are close behind, and bird nest building is booming. Bluebirds are occasional visitors, and Lucy would have enjoyed seeing the scarlet tanager in our neighbor’s yard; it was the first one I have ever seen. The May garden photo album has the latest updates for your viewing pleasure.
Today is Suzy’s birthday, so please wish her a happy birthday! Tomorrow (Monday) is Memorial Day in the United States. My cousin, Shari, placed flags at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery and many of my friends take part in Memorial Day remembrances. Thank you to all who take time to remember those who served.
Take some time to remember those who are no longer with us this weekend and how they had enriched your life. Give your loved ones a meaningful hug and be thankful they are still in your life, and that you are still in theirs.