“Invariably variable” is a phrase kicked around in weather forecasting circles. The past five weeks have been a textbook study in weather variability. Every year, weather variability triggers numerous blog posts, tweets, and Facebook status updates. That’s the invariable part of the phrase. A wordier rephrasing would be “The more things change, the more they stay the same”.
Fall is one of the three intriguing seasons in Minnesota, with winter being the clunker. The trees deck themselves out in brilliant colors, a last hurrah before taking a several month slumber. Warm breezes become cold winds and soon the neighborhood yards fill with all the colorful leaves that were on the trees. Tender plants succumb to a hard freeze reminding us that not everything has adapted to living in a cryogenic environment. Raindrops become grauple, sleet, or snow. Grilling and cold beverages give way to bonfires and hot chocolate. People begin making temperature comparisons to a female sorceress’ mammary protuberance within a brass foundation garment, though the grumbling becomes worse as the temperature slips into instant frostbite range.
Changes are inevitable. Many of my high school classmates I have now known for a half century. Small town schools usually were K-12 so most of us were together since elementary school. I have watched these people grow and flourish, have careers, and become parents and grandparents. I have heard of triumphs and tragedies, of overcoming adversities, and of helping others to succeed. They are a remarkable group of individuals and I am proud to be part of their group.
Change can be hard to accept. Not all changes are for the better. Losses rarely count as something better. But even after a negative change, there are usually positive changes that occur. It is quite gratifying to see the people who experienced a negative change persevere and move forward. I know how tough that is.
It is definitely cuddling season, so those of you lucky to have someone willing should partake. Stay safe and warm, and thank you for your time!