Monthly Archives: February 2012

“A Room with a View”

Stained glass panel at Fairview Southdale

This stained glass panel is next to the admissions desk at Fairview Southdale hospital.

During Lucy’s hospital stay, I have parked in the Skyway Ramp and I walk past this stained glass panel every day. The flash on my phone’s camera causes a lot of flare. The gnome is not lighting flatulence (though he looks guilty) and the owl is not looking for the culprit.

I believe Lucy saw the movie referenced in the post title. The book it was based on was an optional choice for my World Literature II class at Augustana College. I didn’t read it because it was optional.

Lucy took a short walk this morning. It helps clear the fog of the pain pills. Her leg color has gotten noticeably better in the past day. Her right calf circumference is within 3 cm. (about 1.2″) of her left calf. She says that her ankle is stiff but is getting a bit more range of motion. Lucy has worked on her physical therapy exercises. Her Braden risk bracelet got removed because she is more active and her skin can air out.

Dr. Singh from Minnesota Oncology came by. Lucy moved back to 8th floor this afternoon. Her hemoglobin dropped after yesterday’s increase so she will get a two-unit transfusion. This means the four transfusions she has had since admission have required eight units of blood. She will be here until Monday at the earliest. The rest of the blood work sounded OK. Her Coumadin dosage got dropped to 2.5 mg and they did not have to administer a quick “blast” of heparin (called a bolus). We hope this means she is getting close to removal of the IV heparin and her Coumadin dose is getting set.

I did get to take Lucy to the Meditation Sanctuary before she moved to 8th floor. We used a wheelchair because it was a quick trip. She liked the fireplace and water feature. Changing her scenery also helped.

The view from her room is great. For those of you in the Twin Cities area, she overlooks Crosstown Highway and France Ave. The fog lifted and the sun came out and we can see all the way to Highway 100.

Lucy’s birthday is tomorrow and she will be spending it in the hospital. I’m grateful for getting to celebrate another birthday with her! I do wish she were released today. Comments are working, so please feel free to send her birthday greetings tomorrow. Thank you so much for your support!

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Filed under cancer battle, DVT, hospital, literature, transfusion

“The ankle bone is connected to the shin bone…”

The ankle is more complex than a single bone and “Dry Bones” was not intended as an anatomy lesson in song. It is somewhat applicable because Lucy is walking better. Her ankle is pointing forward (12 o’clock) instead of away from her body (2 o’clock). Yesterday she would walk mostly on the ball of her right foot. Today she can get her foot flat and bend it forward towards the ball. She is getting the hang of it. Today she managed to use the bathroom. Two days ago, she couldn’t walk but half that distance. The walker will be temporary.

Her hemoglobin went up from yesterday. It is now at 8.7. It’s been a couple of months since her hemoglobin has stayed steady or has risen a couple of days after a transfusion. Her platelets were 212,000 and her white count was at 5.6. Those counts have vastly improved from when she arrived nine days ago. It sounds like she is in “therapeutic range” for her INR. The Chromogenic Factor X test result was not quite in therapeutic range. Dr. Thurmes came by and explained the results. His feeling is Lucy will be in the hospital until at least Sunday now. Lovenox injections might have been an option, but Lucy was on those for her clots. The heparin is working and they monitor and adjust the dosage as needed.

Lucy managed a walk of about 100 feet tonight with only a small stop to turn her walker around. The Physical Therapy people commented on how pleased they were with the distance. She got her exercise in tonight. There is a Meditation Sanctuary on this floor that she wants to see because of the water feature.

In addition to the various hospital staff in and out of her room today, Lucy had some visitors. Her supervisor and supervisor’s supervisor came by for about 45 minutes. Anh-Thu brought in a beautiful flower arrangement that she had designed. Lucy has some really great co-workers!

Lucy’s sister Julie came by tonight for a couple of hours and brought us some lemon chicken from Leeann Chin. The hospital food is all right, but has a limited menu selection. Lucy does not have dietary restrictions. It was really nice seeing Julie!

Lucy is staying positive. She does get frustrated at times, and so do I. We know this journey will be a battle and there will always be unknowns. That is why the victories both large and small are cause for celebration.

Thank you, everyone!

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Filed under cancer battle, DVT, hospital, music

“Eight Days on the Road”

There was a little extra news from last night that didn’t make the post (and I was too tired to do the update). Lucy sat on the edge of the bed last night for almost a half hour. I gave her a long back rub, which helped her relax. Her calf diameter went down another ½ cm. Her pain level has stayed the same, but it is significantly better than a week ago. Her blood work is showing normal values except for her hemoglobin being low. Adult women should range between 12.1 and 15.1 grams/deciliter (g/dL). They want Lucy’s hemoglobin to stay above 7.5. If it goes below that, she will get a transfusion.

It’s ironic the title of today’s post is a song by Foghat. This morning was incredibly foggy. It has been a very mild winter here unlike last year’s near-record seasonal snowfall and unusually cold temperatures. We earned a break after last year. I normally can drive from home to Fairview Southdale in about twenty minutes for the six mile trip. France Ave. has a bunch of unsynchronized stoplights once I cross into Edina from Bloomington. Today I needed fifty minutes. There is a large lake and marshy area near Normandale College at 98th St. and France Ave. The fog in that area reduced visibility to about fifty feet. Even the inside of the hospital’s parking ramp was a bit foggy.

Dr. Thurmes stopped by to see how Lucy was progressing. Her Coumadin dosage still needs a tweak. She had noticeable improvement in her hemoglobin after yesterday’s transfusion, rising from 6.1 to 8.4. Lucy will probably be here until Saturday at least. Dr. Thurmes wants to see two consecutive acceptable results before disconnecting the IV heparin.

Lucy had the PT and OT people here today. She ran through her exercises and has a walker to use. She can get out of bed without needing a handrail. Her right ankle is still very stiff. She walked close to one hundred feet in total today, half with the walker, in four walking sessions. Now she has a recliner to sit in so she spent most of the day in the chair. It still takes her a moment after she stands up before her ankle loosens up enough to work slightly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your concern for Lucy!

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Filed under cancer battle, DVT, hospital, music

And on the seventh day…

Lucy’s Coumadin dosage needs adjusting upward, so she will be here at least one more day. Unfortunately, her hemoglobin dropped from 7.8 to 6.1 so she needed a two-unit transfusion. Lucy’s birthday is Sunday the 5th and I would love to see her home by then! It is a day-by-day holding pattern.

Molly, Dr. Nashawaty, and Jackie from Minnesota Oncology were by to see her progress. Acute anemia can show up in patients receiving chemo. Lucy was originally scheduled for her next Alimta treatment on Thursday, February 2nd. The treatment moved to February 16th. Her body will get a little more chance to recover. Her white count is stable and in the normal range, and her platelet count is normal and stable.

So maybe today didn’t start great, but there is still good news. Molly noted that Lucy’s calf skin is less taut. It no longer looks like it is going to split open. She still has quite a bit of swelling in her right ankle and a slight amount in her left ankle. The left ankle swelling will reduce as she becomes more active. Her right leg still cannot be massaged and they can’t put a “puffer” on it because there are still a couple small clots. They do not want the clots to dislodge and start traveling. A “stay-cation” is good enough for the clots.

Lucy only needed one Dilaudid shot last night for pain. She is taking oxycodone tablets to manage pain. Her pain pump got removed last night.

A Physical Therapy specialist came by this morning and checked Lucy’s strength and range of motion. She also had Lucy do a series of simple exercises that could be done in bed and left a booklet detailing how to do the exercises. Lucy will do them twice a day.

An Occupational Therapy specialist came by about an hour later. She assisted Lucy out of bed. Lucy managed to walk around the bed. Lucy’s pain doesn’t increase very much when she puts weight on her leg. Her ankle still has a limited range of motion so getting her foot flat on the floor is a challenge. After a couple of minutes she can stand flat-footed. Walking is very slow. She is not unsteady on her feet. Lucy has surprising physical strength for someone so petite. The goal is to keep her from losing strength while her leg gets better. She will try using a walker tomorrow.

Give your loved ones a hug from us, and thank you for your support!

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Filed under cancer battle, DVT, hospital, transfusion