A tease before the freeze

Winter still has the Twin Cities in a frozen grip, but Spring is sneaking in a cameo appearance. Yesterday was the warmest day since the end of November and today is forecast as warmer than normal. Heavy snow, with amounts ranging from 3 – 12 inches, and strong winds tomorrow give way to steadily falling temperatures. Some of the forecasts are hinting at another prolonged cold snap, albeit not as severe as the previous one, but with a few more below zero lows. March 20th will not arrive quickly enough, although we all know Mother Nature does not read calendars very well.

People in this area know how to make the most of these brief breaks from Arctic domination. Perhaps it is a throwback to the agrarian history of the Midwest, but “making hay while the sun shines” is appropriate. Street crews actually tried removing snow from curb to curb rather than leaving the usual two feet or more unplowed. Highway crews attempted fixing the most serious potholes, but the snowplows will destroy those patches removing Thursday’s slop. Car washes had their usual long lines, and the melting snow running across the streets immediately gave those freshly scrubbed cars a mottled gray and brown appearance. The local ski sites and hiking trails stayed filled with people enjoying actual sunlight and fresh air, and ice fishing seemed very popular. Snow forts and snowmen appeared breaking up the boring landscape. The only down side was many places quickly sold out of windshield washer fluid.

Perhaps some of the activities seemed futile, but perhaps the extended harshness of this winter has people jaded and cynical. It takes several days of driving in slush to cover a car in gray grime. Widening the streets is important for allowing emergency vehicles adequate room for maneuvering and for on street parking. Even temporarily fixing the potholes prevents flat tires or accidents which in turn keeps the traffic flow moving better; public works departments have to justify those tax increases somehow. A sunny warm day definitely improves people’s moods. I saw a marked decrease in drivers using rude gestures, and people were willing to have conversations rather than exchanging grunts and muttering. I am going to miss the nice weather. It was nice having a couple of days where the snow thrower could remain unused, the furnace was not running frequently, and I didn’t need analgesics and heating pads to relieve muscle strain.

Live Life Happy has the best quote times like this:

This too, shall pass.
When things are bad, remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time.
When things are good, remember: It won’t always be this way. Enjoy every great moment.

Enjoy a great moment by giving your special someone a meaningful hug. Since great moments are fleeting, go ahead and enjoy a second one, too. Spend time with a friend and see how it brightens the day for both of you. If you’ll excuse me, I’m getting outside to enjoy this wonderful break from winter before the Arctic sends another frigid blast my way. Now where are my sunglasses?

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A tease before the freeze
Enjoying the good times helps us endure the not-so-good times.

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